由于本节课是教程的核心课程,所以会分4小节课来讲,第一讲介绍git stash
1.缓存文件改动git stash
试想一下你在使用Git时有没有这样的经历,你正在写代码(修改文件),但是代码还没有写完善,没达到提交的标准,但是你知道了有另一个team member推送了一个提交,这个提交你需要立刻同步到你的本地,此时怎么办?是的,你需要本地缓存你的改动。
1.1缓存当前改动git stash [save -a "description"]
// 在test.c文件里增加一个test_stash0()函数
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git diff app/test.cdiff --git a/app/test.c b/app/test.cindex 70dde01..38b763c 100644--- a/app/test.c+++ b/app/test.c@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ #include#include +void test_stash0(void)+{+} void test(void) { printf("this is test\n"); // 将增加test_stash0()函数的改动缓存起来
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash save -a "add test_stash0()"Saved working directory and index state On master: add test_stash0()// 缓存之后查看Git空间很干净,说明缓存成功
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git statusOn branch masterYour branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits. (use "git push" to publish your local commits)nothing to commit, working tree clean// 在test.c文件里再依次test_stash1()、test_stash2()函数,并依次缓存
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash save -a "add test_stash1()"Saved working directory and index state On master: add test_stash1()jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)
$ git stash save -a "add test_stash2()"Saved working directory and index state On master: add test_stash2()
1.2查看所有已缓存改动列表git stash list
// 查看缓存list,此时显示共有三次缓存
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash liststash@{0}: On master: add test_stash2()stash@{1}: On master: add test_stash1()stash@{2}: On master: add test_stash0()
1.3查看某个已缓存改动的具体细节git stash show -p [stash@{n}]
// 查看编号为 stash@{1} 的缓存的具体改动
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash show -p stash@{1}diff --git a/app/test.c b/app/test.cindex 70dde01..4380571 100644--- a/app/test.c+++ b/app/test.c@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ #include#include +void test_stash1(void)+{+} void test(void) { printf("this is test\n");
1.4恢复某个已缓存改动git stash pop [stash@{n}]
现在我们需要从缓存区恢复某个已缓存改动,可以直接用git stash pop恢复最近的一次缓存,也可以用git stash pop stash@{n} 恢复任意指定的一次缓存(也可以用git stash pop apply stash@{n} 来恢复某个缓存,但是apply命令并不会将被恢复的缓存改动从缓存区list里删除)
// 将编号为 stash@{1} 的缓存恢复
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash pop stash@{1}On branch masterYour branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits. (use "git push" to publish your local commits)Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: app/test.cno changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")Dropped stash@{1} (62daecdc826586bb3c0cbe93c5f8d2e2697e9ea) // 查看原编号为 stash@{1} 的缓存的具体改动,确实已正常恢复
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git diff app/test.cdiff --git a/app/test.c b/app/test.cindex 70dde01..38b763c 100644--- a/app/test.c+++ b/app/test.c@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ #include#include +void test_stash0(void)+{+} void test(void) { printf("this is test\n"); // 查看缓存list里被恢复的缓存"add test_stash1()"(原编号 stash@{1} 已被释放)已不在
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash liststash@{0}: On master: add test_stash2()stash@{1}: On master: add test_stash0()
1.5丢弃某个已缓存改动git stash drop [stash@{n}]
// 从缓存list里直接删除编号为 stash@{1} 的缓存
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash drop stash@{1}Dropped stash@{1} (2f5dd9a45f77bcb24cac247b8f88bdec157798f2)// 查看缓存list里被删除的缓存"add test_stash0()"(原编号 stash@{1} 已被释放)已不在
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash liststash@{0}: On master: add test_stash2()
1.6清空所有已缓存改动git stash clear
// 清空缓存list
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash clear// 查看缓存list,其已被清空
jay@pc MINGW64 /d/my_project/gittest (master)$ git stash list